Yummy Mummy
Barbara was a single mum and a stripper back in 1972
The lovely Barbara would be 73 this year and might even be a grandma.
What Barbara was doing back in the 70s is still considered by some as un-feminist immoral behaviour. I say to them, shut the fuck up and mind your own business.
Truth, may 6 1972
The lovely Barbara would be 73 this year and might even be a grandma.
What Barbara was doing back in the 70s is still considered by some as un-feminist immoral behaviour. I say to them, shut the fuck up and mind your own business.
Truth, may 6 1972
by Robert

Barbara Sinclair,
31, told me: “its the best way I know of to support my three
Barbara went to
school at Strathern Ladies College in Hawthorn. She became a stripper
after she was apporached by the man behind the Purple Knight, Roger
(Duke) Carroll.
She said “One day
Roger and his wife came around and he talked about a show he planned
to put on in Melbourne. He asked me if I was interested. He and his
wife seemed pretty decent people so I said I would like to. Besides I
needed the money. If I had a day-time job my mother would have to
look after the children. This way I earn good money and can afford to
pay off the house. I can also spend a lot of time with my children
when they are on holidays and at weekends. Thats important,
especially when the other parent isnt around.
“At college I was
interested in dancing. I also learned to play piano. My eldest
daughter met the Carrolls. She knows I work as a stripper. She
understands. My husband and I separated because there were always
disagreements. I was married when I was 17. it was very shaky. We've
been apart for a year.”
Barbara said that in
working as a stripper she had only one unpleasant experience.
“One night a taxi
driver tired to get funny, but I put him off. Usually the men in the
audience are decent. I havent had any trouble. The important thing is
not to look vulgar on stage. Here one must be careful how one looks
and stands”
I went to the Purple
Knight to see Barbara's act. The show is on the first floor of the
Sir Governor Hotham Hotel in Flinders Street. One gets to where the
action is by climbing an old staircase, at the head of shiwch is the
huge frame of Duke Carroll. The room in which the strippers work is
small and smoky. First on was a blonde resplendant in tight fitting
white dress and carrying white boa. True to the Purple Knight
advertising boast she was naked by the end of her act. For a fraction
of a second she stood, arms raised, in the spotlight. Then darkness
as she gathered her discarded clothes and walked through the crowd to
a side door.
Then Barbara in a
form-fitting pink dress sparkling with sequins. She would have looked
at home at a society cocktail party. But soon the former college girl
who likes classical music was getting her gear off.
I looked up stuff about the Sir Governor Hotham Hotel, it was one of the many pubs in Melbourne that was a victim of the beer shortage in the summer of 1951. And at one time part of the buildings masonry fell off and injured people checking the cricket scores in the window.
Now its a Nomads backpacker hostel, and its a pretty shitty noisy one if the reveiws are anything to go by. The photos at the end of this are what it looks like now. It needs a serious clean up, it looks shit. Its funny to think that where the backpackers are now sleeping Barbara got her boobs out in front of a crowd so she could feed and clothe her kids. The backpackers get drunk and flash them for free.
The property was sold for $10.75million recently. It'll cost a shit load of money to fix it up. I wonder what their plans for it are.
An article from many many years ago about it says:
“The location commands the shipping trade, adjacent to wharves and Spencer Street Railway Station, Harbor trust offices and Railways Offices, fish market- proposed improvements to bring mail and other large freight right up to the City- all to benefit the hotel.
It includes cellar, ground floor with large public bar, private bar, billiard room, four bar parlours and offices; three storeys and open flat on roof; first floor has large dining room, and services, drawing room, reading and smoking rooms, nine bedrooms with linen press, bathrooms and lavatory accommodation; second floor has private sitting and dining rooms, bedrooms servants bedrooms and facilities; third floor has 14 bedrooms, servants dining room, modern kitchen; cellar one of the largest and best in Melbourne; passenger and goods lifts, electric lighting.”
“The location commands the shipping trade, adjacent to wharves and Spencer Street Railway Station, Harbor trust offices and Railways Offices, fish market- proposed improvements to bring mail and other large freight right up to the City- all to benefit the hotel.
It includes cellar, ground floor with large public bar, private bar, billiard room, four bar parlours and offices; three storeys and open flat on roof; first floor has large dining room, and services, drawing room, reading and smoking rooms, nine bedrooms with linen press, bathrooms and lavatory accommodation; second floor has private sitting and dining rooms, bedrooms servants bedrooms and facilities; third floor has 14 bedrooms, servants dining room, modern kitchen; cellar one of the largest and best in Melbourne; passenger and goods lifts, electric lighting.”
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