Yummy Mummy

Barbara was a single mum and a stripper back in 1972 The lovely Barbara would be 73 this year and might even be a grandma. What Barbara was doing back in the 70s is still considered by some as un-feminist immoral behaviour. I say to them, shut the fuck up and mind your own business. Truth, may 6 1972 MUMMY IS A STRIPPER 'THE BEST WAY TO KEEP THE CHILDREN' by Robert Berglund A mother of three, who was educated at a ladies college, is providing for her family by appearing in an all-off strip show – the Purple Knight Barbara Sinclair, 31, told me: “its the best way I know of to support my three children.” Barbara went to school at Strathern Ladies College in Hawthorn. She became a stripper after she was apporached by the man behind the Purple Knight, Roger (Duke) Carroll. She said “One day Roger and his wife came around and he talked about a show he planned to put on in Melbourne. He asked me if I was interested. He and his wife seemed pretty decent people so I...