1949 Geelong Streaker

The Argus – friday 24 June - 1949 POSED NUDE ON PIER While most Geelong residents were huddled around fires or wrapped in blankets a woman completely disrobed on Yarra St Pier to win a bet. The story revealed in Geelong City Court yesterday was that a man bet her that she was “not game” to do it. After she had taken up the challenge, it was alleged that the man disappeared without settling the bet. Police soon after found the woman wearing a fur coat. She was charged with having been drunk and disorderly. She was convicted and discharged after she told Mr. Blakiston, JP, that she was ashamed. from wikipedia Waterfront Geelong Yarra Street Pier is located at the end of Yarra Street and features a number of restaurants, as well as being the departure point for helicopter joyflights. The majority of the pier was destroyed by fire in 1988, but various proposals have been made for the rebuilding (pier image from googlemaps, fur coat woman from stock footage) ...