a lonesome little shop in Flinders St

Theres is a little shop between Flinders St station & Banana Alley. Its been closed for a few years now. I went and looked up some records in the State Library and the earliest i can find was in 1930 when it was 3 shops, a tobacconist, a oils & colours paint shop and a bootmaker. It was rented by the MidCity Newsagency in 1973 and thats when it started its porn history. It was rented from Flinders St station. Ive seen a few old photos of it from a distance and could see glass windows that mustve been boarded up when it became a porno shop. If you walk towards Flinders St Station from Banana alley there's some steps at the back of the area between it and banana alley. I worked for MidCity newsagents and occasionally took over there during lunch hour, it was pretty small, had no toilet (the people at the carpark across the road let us use theirs) and the roof leaked during big rainstorms. It sits there in the middle of nothing and looks like they had plans for more but...