Satan In St.Kilda

Melbourne Truth. Oct 7, 1972 SEX ON STAGE IN NEW STRIP SHOW by Phil Teese A StKilda night club will stage a black mass floor show, based on the real life experiences of the lead dancer. The act will depict the sacrifice of a virgin, and sexual intercourse will be simulated. The lead dancer an choreographer, Tabatha, 22, says she has been involved in real life black mass ceremonies. She told Truth: “The things I saw and became involved with are too much for any human being. It frightened me.” CHANGE “ But I have used these experiences to produce an act that is as close as possible to the real thing. The only part that will be changed will be the sexual intercourse. We will have to simulate that. I saw things in the far east that were unbelievable. At one ceremony, I was cut on the hand. The wound was deep and it bled freely. Then a supposedly magic leaf was rubbed on the cut, and it healed almost immediately. Dozens of Melbourne's top professional men and women tak...